Thursday, December 31, 2009

Receiver page test

This is a test to see if this will help place my Home theater Av Receiver page to be indexed by google in a shorter time. Google has been unable to index my Home theater AV Receiver page as of yet. This link will check to make sure my home theater audio video receiver page will finally be indexed link here

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Avid Audio Listener Forum

Welcome everyone To Avid Audio Video installation And Designs Blog.

Avid wanted to let everyone know that the West Coast Premium Hifi Audio Forum The Avid Audio Listener Forum is up and running. Please feel free to come and join our forum here at
Come and say hello, post your passion, and offer advice to our readers. Make sure to check out all of our forum and find out the latest in tips, tricks, or just post at truely amazing looking hifi or home theater system.We hope to offer valuable information and discussions for high end Hifi and Home Theater people everywhere.

We would love to see The Avid Audio Listener forum grow and become the West Coasts High end Hi Fi audio Forum.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Best of the Season

Paul @ Avid Audio Video Installation & Design

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December is Here!!!!!

Don't Camp Out in the Cold!

Save Money Now Until the New Year!

For most this is a time for Family, Friends, Gifts, Eating and the dreadful camping out in the cold for the best deals at your local Box Store.

Please do yourself a favour don't fall into this Trap!

So you wait for hours if not day's......... Camp out the whole night in the freezing cold to find out what they sold out with the first 10 people through the door. Does this sound familar? Have you been their before?

Well I have I sold my fair share of HiFi Audio, Video and Home Theater on Boxing Day in the past and I will tell you what. It Just is not worth being away from your friends, family and warm bed on Boxing Day. I will let you in on a little secret most of the Door Crasher products sold on Boxing Day are not worth your the line up, camping out or the cold. There are products worth buying and on sale on Boxing Day for sure but they sure are not the DOOR CRASHERS and these are what I would suggest you would focus on if you are a Boxing Day Fanatic.

Well I will tell you what Avid Audio Video Installation & Design will be doing this December 2009.

Number 1

First of all Avid ensures we do not sell entry line products like all box stores so you are already way ahead. We specialize in high quality custom designed systems taylored for your needs and the ultimate experience of sight and sound in your home.

Number 2

Second Of all AVID is a Custom Audio Video company with high quality products. It is time to do our Annual DEMO Clearance Sale. What you do need to know our product demos are in amazing condition if not perfect. We carry product for demostration like any other store but with a one major difference ours are meticulous kept and demostrated with the upmost care and never touched by public hands. You can now purchace unbelievable products with savings up to 50% OFF until Jan 1st 2010. All products will be sold as new and with full warranty at a fraction of the retail price. Don't let your next great system slip away this Holiday season. We have great products from Monster Signature, Monster THX, Furman, ULTRALINK, Revel Loudspeakers, TRU-AUDIO, DEFINITIVE TECHNOLOGY, Anthony Gallos and more.



YES YOU HEARD CORRECTLY.......... ANY PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS CUSTOM ORDERED FROM AVID DECEMBER 1 THROUGH JAN 15th WILL SAVE GST and PST. Custom ORDER any AV Receiver, Processor, CD Player, iPOD dock, Loudspeakers, power condition projector or more and save all your taxes. Choose from amazing Audio Video lines (DON'T BELIEVE US CHECK OUT OUR AMAZING LINES on our website)
Choose from great lines like Yamaha, Onkyo, Definitive Technolgy, YBA, Revel, Thiel WADIA, MONSTER, ULTRALINK, MUSIC HALL, Cambridge Audio, and loads more.

You don't have to let the system of your dreams slip through your hands this Holiday Season. You don't even have to camp in the freezing cold. Just give us a call or email your information and requests. We can arrange a full in home consultation and have you enjoying your system over the Christmas holidays this season.

So Stay Warm this Christmas Season and spend it with the family and friends. Drink eggnog eat and be Merry.

You can always escape from to your family at the local PUB.

We At AVID Audio Video Installation & Design Wish you the Absolute Best and Hope you have a very Safe holiday Season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

To contact AVID Audio Video Installation & Design email us at

THANK YOU and we look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome Everybody to the Avid Audio Listener

Welcome everyone to the Avid Audio Video Installation and Design Blog. My name is Paul and live in Victoria on Vancouver Island B.C. Canada. I am just starting out with this Blog and want to make sure everyone knows that they are welcome here to learn and post their passion about Hifi, Audio components, Loudspeakers, Home theater and more. I hope that everyone can use this Blog to find out anwsers to there audio and home theater questions.

I personally have pursued higher end audio since the 80's myself and have and appreciatation for many Hifi setups and audio brands from the vintage to the cutting edge. I have been a collector and avid audio listener for a couple decades now. I am always reading, testing, and improving my audio systems including home theater and two channel audio setups. There doesn't seem to be a day that goes by that I am not trying new cables, speakers, amplifiers or something in my audio system to achieve the sound I am looking for.

I have recently started a Custom Home Automation company in Victoria call A.V.I.D. (Audio Video Installation and Design). I have been in the Audio and Video business since 1987 and it made sence to finally do my own thing. Now my focus is on custom home audio, video, and control systems. I specialze in integration and operation of whole home systems, Touch control, A/V distribution and custom home theater but I still work with a fair share of two channel audio as well. Most of my custom system work is designed with a more practical approach because ease of use and flexibility for my customers trumps frustrating unique systems.

I hope that I can bring some real valuable information to you in the future and help anwser some of your questions. I also hope that this blog can help everyone out. Avid Audio Video Installation and Design is presently developing its website, to further help you out and be an actual helpful source of information to you in the future. I recommend you stop by to check it out if you can. It is located at and is presently under construction. Due to a loss of my webdesigner I have taken it into my hands to finish development of the website so I am working on it as fast as I can. The site is fully running but changes are made daily and some of the pages and links are in development(Some serious trial and error on some of the code)so I appreciate your patients. Avid's website is already featuring demo's, specials, used audio, great audio components, loudspeakers, custom control, High end iPod audio solutions and more. So make sure to check it out.

I will also be featuring my work, articles, reviews, CD, BluRay, and Game recommendations as well as audio systems on my website so if you have some pictures of your audio system and would like to post them on my site. Avid would love to have them. Make sure to send me one or more pictures of your system in a quality resolution with a discription and or story etc about your audio setup. Send to and I will try to get them up as soon as possible. I will also try to post as many as I can.

Being on Vancouver Island choices are very limited in higher end audio, and most peoples idea of a quality system they bought for $300 at Future Shop. West Coasters are a little different from your central Canada people that have cold winters, West coasters enjoy the great out doors a good portion of the year with the mild weather, who can blame them when you can fish, ski and golf in the same day. So Passion for higher end audio is sometimes put on the back burner to skiing, golfing or fishing.

Now thats not to say there is not a following on higher end Hifi on the West Coast because I have seen several very impressive systems in my day. I would just like to hear more about them on this blog.

It would be great hear what you have for a hifi system and encourage you to post what you like to listen to, recommended audio tracks, exceptional recordings and audio tweeks that really made a difference in your home audio application. Remember there is nothing wrong with your personal listening tastes. If you think your system sounds great, that is all that counts and it would be great to here about it. Tell us what you have recently bought, tweeks you have used, or audio cables that changed the way you listen to your favorite cds or vinyl. Maybe you are looking for some buying advice or trying to figure out what will best for your place. Let us know. Most of us have been there and have learned along the way.

Passion in Audio comes with constant change, tweeks and upgrades as well as a love for music. I am personally always learning something new for my unique audio systems. Whether you are newby or seasoned vetran of the audio world always keep an open mind and try something completely new. You will be amazed of what some of the smallest changes can do.
Remember listening tastes change and we constantly evolve so keep and ear out.

Cheers Paul